Computer networks was became a life integral part is modern societies.
And though for many of us their application is prosy enough, every day more
and more people is engaged in the activity linked to designing and a
configuration of computer networks. This area of human activity has very
capacious theoretical base which is permanently improved.
Theoretical material is understand inconveniently without practical examples,
and for construction of a real, evident and modern network with usage of powerful tools
of switching, routeing, conversion of protocols of various levels and protection
constructions are necessary the resources occasionally unavailable to laboratory of an
educational institution, especially for the expert starting working activity, the technician
or the student.
It is not a unique problem. As many people is understand an electricity because
they cannot imagine current movement on wires so many cannot understand principles
of operation of a network because visualization is of total absented of processes is
occurred in it. It is necessary to tell that traditional laboratory operations is solved this
problem with usage of usual computers only partially.
This project is capable to corrected to some extent a current situation, namely: it
has been given possibility of visualization of processes of the auxiliary to transmission
auxiliary and user's information has been occurred in a network.
The program interface is intuitively clear, the certificate to it its easy and fast
mastering by students on laboratory and a practical training. Project programs has been
allocated floppy system of the help and the laconic user manual, and also the standard
approach in implementation of all user's operations for all supported operating systems.
Except visualisation of operation of a telecommunication network, it is necessary
to mark excellent possibility of more detailed consideration of its operation by means of
displayed statistics and the service for floppy tracing of occurring events for each
network device.
As a rule, in small networks there are no hardware network components which
can give to the user statistics, handle, and to call events on various situations of
operation of a network. In larger corporate networks no means always a starting
network administrator, especially the student-probationer will accept before
experimenting and network management.
As a result this project in the best way can resemble for its use as the electronic,
interactive methodical manual all technical specialities on disciplines, directly or
indirectly concerning telecommunication data networks.